Taking the class...........

Taking class at your local Quilt/Sewing shop is more than just learning a new technique...........
It is also about distressing, getting things off your chest, talking to other Women in the same boat and lots lots more.........
It is also about having a laugh, solving the world problems and just getting out of the house........
Going off to class at your local shop is great fun and a great way to meet new and sometimes very interesting people.
I have discovered that women need to be with other women from time to time.  It helps to form friendships, to get problems out into the open and sometimes realize that you might not be the only person thinking that way or experiencing that particular problem that you have been worrying about.
Of course it is also about learning a new technique the expert way and getting it right the first time.
yes we can work it out home by ourselves but how much time does it take and is it fun to do it yourself at home........No it is much more fun to go to a class and have fun and get the job done in class with expert help.

These young ladies have started young....... Going to class and learning the correct way from the start and having fun.

So next time there is a class on at your local shop don't just think about what it is and who I can give this to.... Think about the fun, the therapy and the friendships you might make at the shop...........Women need to support women and what better way than at your local Quilt shop at a class...........



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